the blog

You are What You [-r Brain] Eat

The self-help book, lucky girl mindset, and working on my self-season is in full swing. People are obsessed with the idea of bettering themselves. Why wouldn’t you? However, it can be exhausting to try to keep up with the newest health trends of what water bottle will be socially acceptable and keep you hydrated all […]

Nutrition, Self-Care

It’s Not Your Fault: Shame in Today’s Society

Our world has conditioned us to think that if we are not productive, then we are lazy. If we’re not using our time wisely, we’ve wasted it. Almost if the time we have was given to us by someone as an experiment to see what’s the most we can do in the least amount of […]

Self-Care, Uncategorized

9 Practical Tips for Stress-Free Traveling

Hi! My name is Leeor Gal, I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the group practice owner of The Therapy Gal. In the past, I have struggled with travel anxiety, and I wanted to share my experience along with some tips and tricks to help combat it!  So… Let’s set the scene: It’s the […]


5 Shifts To A Growth Mindset

I have the worst luck → I will continue to develop my skillset When things repeatedly go wrong, it is hard not to assume that something of higher power purposely manipulates your failures. Like the universe is against you, it’s easier that way. Place the blame elsewhere and continue chugging on. Yet with a growth […]


New Year, Same Me: 7 Intentions for 2023

This year we will rewrite the narrative for the longing of what the new year will bring us. Upon fantasizing about what is in store for us, it’s hard not to reflect on the past. I’m not sure about you guys, but at this point, I can’t even remember my goals for 2022. They were […]


12 Days of Holidays: Therapy Edition

The holidays are an interesting time. For some the most wonderful time of the year, while others drown in dread of the upcoming months. Expectation paralyzes the perfectionists, while the people pleasers can’t sit still. In a society full of instant gratification, “next best thing”, and micro trends…you might find yourself asking.. When is it […]


Happy Hacks: Four Ways to Improve Your Mood as the Days Get Shorter

It seems as when the days get shorter so does my temper. I swear something about it being pitch black with the stars glistening at 4 pm doesn’t sit right with me. It’s almost as if I can feel my irritability rise, mood drop, and depression tank on the first overcast day. Each year I […]


The Truth About Trauma

The first thing that pops into my head when I think of trauma is a therapist sitting on a couch and nodding while saying, “man, that must’ve been tough,” just like the movies. It is so hyped up in the media–five steps to get over your toxic ex, or the seven stages of grief–but truthfully […]


5 Ways to Hack into your Motivation

Motivation is hard. Getting motivated is even harder. Pop culture likes to give you these quick fixes to help you “get your life together”, yet holding yourself to those standards to make those changes is half the battle. Unfortunately, there isn’t a shortcut to becoming intrinsically motivated, but there are small habits you can implement […]

Time Management

5 Green Flags to Look for in Relationships

In today’s society, we can be quick to judge when looking for a partner.  It has almost become a trend to pick out someone’s “red flags” or unfavorable characteristics about someone that will ultimately become a deal killer. Instead, why don’t we focus on the positive pillars in a relationship that can help overlook the […]


6 Benefits of Adding Self Awareness to Your Daily Life

When trying to understand and accept ourselves to “reach” self-awareness fully, it’s hard not to believe that one day there will be an aha or lightbulb moment when everything clicks. However, truthfully, that isn’t something money can buy, a training will give to you, or a workshop can download. That is work you must do […]

Mindfulness, Self-Care

5 Ways to be Your Own Best Friend

As humans, we can’t be fully present with others unless we can be there for ourselves.  How we treat ourselves is essential, at the end of the day, we are only accountable for our actions.  We create our own reality of thoughts and perspectives that lead to our behaviors, therefore is crucial to make that […]


Easy Ways to Be More Chill

Have you noticed when you have time to relax, you do everything but that? Creating mental lists, responding to texts, and mindlessly scrolling through your phone, when suddenly 2 hours have gone by, and you don’t feel any better. Those are not bad things, they just fail to allow your brain to actually take a […]

Mindfulness, Self-Care, Time Management

5 Ways to Initiate A Breakup with Your Anxiety

Anxiety has a special way of making you think that you’re in the passenger seat of your life. You could be having the best day and your anxiety will have you turning your car around to make sure that your hair straighter is still in fact, unplugged. Whatever you encounter in your day will be […]

Anxiety, Self-Care

Depression 101: How to Create a Self-Rescue Starter Pack During this SAD Time

So, you know that feeling when you begin to feel yourself mentally spiral, starting that slow journey downhill, letting yourself slip into old self-destructive behaviors? Let’s not do that. Instead, here’s a foolproof plan to get yourself back on track ASAP.    1. Recognize the Red Flags. Busy week at work, feeling overwhelmed at home, […]

Depression, Self-Care

How to Prepare for Your Therapy Sessions

Therapy is not just an investment in your mental health, it’s an investment in your finances! One of the best ways to get the most out of your sessions is to prepare for them. Here are 5 ways you can prepare for your therapy sessions: 1. Do your homework! Your therapist wouldn’t be suggesting it […]


How to Implement Gratitude Journaling into Your Lifestyle

In my last Studio Studies book club episode, I spoke of the importance of gratitude journaling in cultivating a healthier mindset and overall satisfaction with your life. There are many ways you can implement this practice into your lifestyle besides your typical list of what you’re grateful for. Here is a list of thirteen different […]

Mindfulness, Self-Care

5 Ways You Can Improve Communication in your Relationship

Good communication is probably THE most important factor that leads to a successful relationship. Here are five ways you can improve communication with your partner, which can lead to feeling happier, healthier, and more connected to each other. Tip #1: Check in with each other. Make sure that at least once a day you check […]

Communication, Podcast, Relationships

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Time Management

Time management is so important, especially since we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic. Unfortunately, it can be really hard to strategize and manage your time efficiently and effectively while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance in quarantine. Here are five different time management tips and strategies that can help you feel more […]

Podcast, Time Management

What is the 90 Percent?

We did it. Today we launched the first episode of our podcast, The 90 Percent! This has been in the works for quite some time now, and I’m excited to finally send it your way. We figured a bit of background about us and what the podcast is all about made for a good first […]


5 Unconventional Ways to Nurture Your Mental Health During Quarantine

Written while sitting on the couch, with Tank commanding my attention as usual. With stay-at-home orders in full effect due to COVID-19, we’re all having to get a little creative with how we use our time at home to nurture our mental health. While I am all for the traditional self-care practices that have been […]
