the blog

5 Shifts To A Growth Mindset

I have the worst luck → I will continue to develop my skillset When things repeatedly go wrong, it is hard not to assume that something of higher power purposely manipulates your failures. Like the universe is against you, it’s easier that way. Place the blame elsewhere and continue chugging on. Yet with a growth […]


Happy Hacks: Four Ways to Improve Your Mood as the Days Get Shorter

It seems as when the days get shorter so does my temper. I swear something about it being pitch black with the stars glistening at 4 pm doesn’t sit right with me. It’s almost as if I can feel my irritability rise, mood drop, and depression tank on the first overcast day. Each year I […]


5 Ways to Hack into your Motivation

Motivation is hard. Getting motivated is even harder. Pop culture likes to give you these quick fixes to help you “get your life together”, yet holding yourself to those standards to make those changes is half the battle. Unfortunately, there isn’t a shortcut to becoming intrinsically motivated, but there are small habits you can implement […]

Time Management

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Time Management

Time management is so important, especially since we’re still in the middle of a global pandemic. Unfortunately, it can be really hard to strategize and manage your time efficiently and effectively while still maintaining a healthy work-life balance in quarantine. Here are five different time management tips and strategies that can help you feel more […]

Podcast, Time Management